Monday, July 05, 2010

CBT for depressed ill people

Depression occurs in 6-14% of people in hospital and is even more prevalent in people with diabetes and cancer. Whatever people's physical health problems depression always dramatically reduces quality of life and is associated with longer hospital stays, higher rates of rehospitalization and increased hospital use. Psychotherapy is thought to be more effective for people with other health complaints as psychiatric drugs can interfere with other medicines. Researchers from Radboud University in the Netherlands reviewed 29 studies into the effectiveness of cognitive behaviour therapy for depression in people with physical disease. They found that it 'significantly reduces depressive symptoms.'

Beltman, Matthijs W., Oude, Richard C. and Speckens, Anne E. - Cognitive-behavioural therapy for depression in people with a somatic disease: meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. British Journal of Psychiatry, July 2010, 197(1), 11-19

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