Monday, December 20, 2010

Spending cuts lead to revolving door for eating disorder patients

Spending cuts meant that many people with eating disorders are not admitted to an inpatient treatment programme until their weight has fallen to dangerously low levels. However, there has been little research into whether waiting this long to admit patients can affect their chances of recovering in the long run. Researchers from St George's Hospital in South London studied 82 people with anorexia being admitted to an eating-disorder ward. They found that people's weight when they were admitted to hospital didn't affect how much weight they put on during treatment. However, people who weighed less when they were admitted were kept in hospital no longer than those who were heavier meaning that, although they put on weight at the same rate, they were still lighter when they were discharged and were more at risk of having to go back to hospital within a year.

Sly, Richard and Bamford, Bryony - Why Are We Waiting? The Relationship Between Low Admission Weight and End of Treatment Weight Outcomes European Eating Disorders Review doi: 10.1002/erv.1061

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