Thursday, January 21, 2010

Psychological mindedness and mental health

Psychological mindedness can be defined as "the interest and ability to be in touch with and reflect upon one's psychological states and processes." It has been associated with greater well-being, more flexible and helpful ways of thinking, better relationships with one's peers, more openness and extraversion and better adjustment. However, most of the research on psychological mindedness has been done on students and there has been little work done on how it might affect young adults with mental-health problems. Researchers from Tilburg University in the Netherlands studied 95 young people who had been admitted to a psychiatric hospital. They found that psychological mindedness was linked to positive personality traits such as extraversion, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness. It was also associated with problem-focused coping i.e. dealing with problems by tackling them rather than avoiding them or turning to drink, drugs etc.

Nyklicek, Ivan, Poot, Joela C. and Opstal, Jan van - Psychological mindedness in relation to personality and coping in a sample of young adult psychiatric patients Journal of Clinical Psychology January 2010, 66(1), 34-45

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