Friday, June 29, 2007

OCD and eating disorders

Numerous studies have demonstrated a link between obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and eating disorders. A study of 160 women college students in Texas looked at the inter-relationship between perfectionism, obsessive beliefs, depression, OCD and disordered eating. The researchers found that perfectionism, obsessive beliefs and depression were all significantly associated with both disordered eating and OCD and that perfectionism was an important link between disordered eating behaviour and OCD symptoms although perfectionism manifested itself differently in eating disorders and OCD.

Humphreys, Joy D., Clopton, James R. and Reich, Darcy A. - Disordered eating behavior and obsessive compulsive symptoms in college students : cognitive and affective similarities Eating Disorders May-June 2007, 15(3), 247-259

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