Thursday, August 26, 2010

Reasoning and rehabilitation helps mentally-ill offenders

The Reasoning and Rehabilitation programme was first developed at the Cognitive Centre of Canada, at the University of Ottawa in 1986. It is a cognitive-behavioural approach which aims to give criminals the values, attitudes, reasoning and social skills they need to behave well in the future. Previous studies have shown it to be effective in helping offenders but there has been no research into whether it can help offenders with a mental-health problem. Researchers from the South London and Maudsley NHS Trust and the Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London studied the effectiveness of the programme in 35 male offenders with psychosis, 18 of whom received the programme while the remainder formed a control group. Those who completed the programme showed significantly improved problem-solving abilities and increased coping responses.

Clarke, Amory Y. ... [et al] - A quasi-experimental pilot study of the Reasoning and Rehabilitation programme with mentally disordered offenders Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology August 2010, 21(4), 490-500


Alex said...

There have been previous studies of the efficacy of the Reasoning and Rehabilitation program with mentally disordered offenders in Germany, Scotland, and England - see the web-site:

John Gale said...

Thanks for pointing this out Alex. The authors of the article do credit the University of Ottawa in their references but perhaps I should have made this clear in my post as well. People often evaluate other people's programmes and it can be difficult to find out who did the original work. But I have edited the blog now to give full credit to the Cognitive Centre team.
Best Wishes,
John Gale,
Mental Health Update