Wednesday, September 29, 2010

35-44 is gloomiest decade

35-44 has emerged as the unhappiest decade in a survey carried out by the U.K. relationship charity Relate. More people between the ages of 35 and 44 said they felt lonely or depressed than in any other age group. 21% of people in this age group said that they felt lonely a lot of the time and a similar percentage said that bad relationships - either at work or home - had left them feeling depressed. The same proportion said they felt closer to friends than family and a quarter said that they wished they had more time for their family. 28% of 35-44 year-olds said that they had left a job because of a bad working relationship with a colleague while one in five were worried about the current financial climate. Working long hours, arguments, chores and poor sex were the most common sources of relationship problems.

You can find out more about this survey here

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