Monday, October 11, 2010

Are You Becoming an Addict? - Guest Post by Rachel Davis

The worst part of any addiction is that by the time you’re aware of the fact that you’re an addict, you’ve also steeled your mind to believe that you’re not one. Denial is the first sign of any addiction, be it to tobacco, alcohol, drugs or even people. The truth about addiction is a bitter pill to swallow, but unless you accept it, you’re never going to able to seek help and get it in a timely manner. When your brain sends warning signals to show you’re on the verge of becoming an addict, it’s time to start kicking the habit, if not alone then with a little help. So how do you know you’re in danger?

• When you tend to hit the bottle every time you feel a little sad or depressed

• When you drink alone

• When you cry or when your emotions swing wildly after you’ve had a few drinks

• When you wake up in the morning to regret drinking the night before, yet you go back to the bottle when dusk sets in.

• When you start drinking to fall asleep


• When you get angry if you cannot have a smoke for any reason

• When you wake up craving a cigarette

• When you tell yourself you’re smoking just to give your friends company

• When you avoid non-smoking establishments


• When you expect more than you get, yet you accept what you get because you don’t want your partner to leave you

• When you stay on in abusive relationships

• When you feel paranoia if they don’t call or text you ever so often

• When you’re insanely possessive

• When ordinary events make you lose your cool

With drugs, it’s the beginning of an addiction when you even try it. Any narcotic substance is extremely addictive, so it’s best you avoid it altogether.

Addictions can spell ruin in more ways than one – you may lose not just your money and your job, but even your sanity and physical health. While money can be earned and jobs found in time, it’s extremely hard to go back to the same level of health you were in before the addiction. It takes its toll on your body, it ravages you mentally and physically, and it leaves you a weaker person prone to diseases of all kinds.

You can beat addictions by switching to healthier alternatives – exercise boosts your mental and physical health and provides you with a sound sleep every night; if you’re not too keen on working out, get involved in other activities that you find interesting and which make you feel good about yourself.


This guest post is contributed by Rachel Davis, she writes on the topic of Radiology degree . She welcomes your comments at her email id:

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