Monday, November 10, 2008

Counselling and mentoring cut youth injuries

A study of 113 children aged between 10 and 15 treated for assault injuries (including gunshot, knife and fist-fight wounds) at either the Johns Hopkins Children's Center [sic] in Baltimore or the Children's National Medical Centre, Washington D.C. looked into the effectiveness of counselling and mentoring at keeping them out of trouble in the future. Half of the victims received at least six sessions of one-on-one counselling and three parent-home visits while the other half were referred to community resources and received two follow-up phone calls. The counselling sessions included advice on how to avoid triggers for anger, conflict resolution and getting out of dangerous situations in appropriate ways. Those in the counselling/mentoring group reported 27% fewer fights and 42% fewer fight injuries six monts later compared to those in the control group.

You can find out more about this research at

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